The Third Edition of It Starts with the Egg is now available.  Get your copy here on Amazon and see below for what's new.   

Why a new edition? 
I initially set out to do a minor update of the book to incorporate some new studies, but opened it up to the ISWTE community to ask what extra topics I should cover.  The overwhelming response lead me to spend six months pouring over the latest research and writing brand new in-depth chapters on a whole array of extra topics,  including hidden infections, immune testing, and troubleshooting strategies for tackling very low ovarian reserve, like PRP.   I really think this information could be life changing for many and it means a lot that I have the opportunity to spread the word on these important topics.    Wishing you all the good luck and baby dust in the world  

What's New in the Third Edition? 

The book



major updates

  • New detailed section on how vitamin B12 deficiency impacts fertility and miscarriage risk, why it so often goes undiagnosed even with standard blood tests, what to test for, and how to correct a deficiency. 

chapter 3:  Unexpected obstacles to fertility

  • New chapter covering testing for reproductive hormones, such as AMH, FSH, DHEA, estrogen, and testosterone, and how to use the results to tailor your approach.
  • Advice on identifying and treating low progesterone. 

chapter 4:  hormone lab tests

  • New discussion of taking lower dose melatonin over a longer time frame and taking melatonin when TTC naturally (p. 116-118). 

CHAPTER 7:  melatonin & antioxidants

  • Updates to optimal ranges for DHEA-S and testosterone, based on the most recent studies. 

Chapter 9:  Dhea

  • Additional supplements added, including recommendation to avoid or be very cautious with resveratrol and turmeric,  and avoid vitex and maca.   Updated guidance on L-arginine. 

Chapter 10: supplements to avoid 

  • Clearer guidance and additional strategies for balancing blood sugar.  

Chapter 12:  The Egg-Quality Diet 

  • More detailed explanation of the causes and solutions for poor sperm quality, and why focusing on sperm quality matters even if semen analysis is normal. 
  • New discussion of DNA fragmentation, infections, and varicocele. 

Chapter 13:  Improving sperm quality 

  • New  section on the pros and cons of PGT testing
  • Answering questions on bed rest after transfer, the timing of pregnancy testing after transfer, and slow-rising betas.  

chapter 14:  preparing for embryo transfer

  • New in-depth chapter to help you uncover potential causes for unexplained infertility, failed embryo transfers, and recurrent miscarriage.  
  • Topics include testing and treatment for hidden infections and chronic endometritis, endometriosis, immune factors such as antiphospholipid antibodies and NK cells, hormone imbalances and blood clotting disorders, Asherman's syndrome, and genetic issues.  

chapter 15:  immune and implantation factors 

  • New in-depth chapter to help you address very low AMH and age-related infertility,  explaining the current state of the evidence on autoimmunity in low ovarian reserve/POI/POF,  intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet,  LDN, PRP,  Red-Light Therapy,  Serovital, Omnitrope, PQQ, Acai,  and TruNiagen/NMN

Chapter 16:  troubleshooting low ovarian reserve

an index! 

  • By popular demand,  a complete index, so you can use the book as a reference whenever you need.  

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Comprehensive, up-to date guidance 

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  • A complete resource to help you become an informed and proactive advocate for your fertility. 

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